Fritz Galt's Bio
Fritz Galt was born in Wisconsin in 1958. His family had the travel bug, and he landed in Cuba at the age of two months. Two years later the island was overrun by revolutionaries and his family was forced to flee.
After public school in the Midwest and graduate school on the West Coast and the guidance of some mighty fine authors, he settled in Chicago where he worked in publishing, wondering if he would ever have any more life experiences worth writing about.
While he was checking press runs in the dead of winter, one of those life experiences came along in the form of a beautiful young American diplomat. Soon he moved to Washington, DC, and within a year the two were married and living in Yugoslavia as the country collapsed around them.
Thus Fritz’s first thriller, Double Cross, was born and Mick Pierce first strode across the war-torn landscape and onto the pages of Fritz’s next few novels (the Mick and Natalie Spy Novel Sseries).
Fritz had plenty to write about over the ensuing decades. Raising a family in Taiwan while China fired missiles just offshore was one of those experiences. As was wandering the temples of Bombay with his children in hand while the Indians and Pakistanis exchanged nuclear blasts. As a result his novels have the feel of the street with the smarts of the political situation.
To date he has lived in Cuba, Switzerland, Yugoslavia, Taiwan, India, China, Belgium, Mongolia and Hawaii, where his heroes, both suave and not so suave, somehow solve international crises.. His many novels tackle national security issues and include highly acclaimed espionage, medical, financial, political, historic and techno thrillers and mysteries.
He lives with his family in Washington, DC where he is hard at work on his next book.